Thursday 14 April 2011

The "Anonymous" threats continues against Sony (Update)

The old story Is that Sony has filed a restraining order early this year, against George Hotz A.K.A GeoHot as he has violated copyrights by jail breaking the Sony's play station 3 which allowed him to install custom software on it. Now an independent organisation called 'Anonymous' has threatened Sony by putting up a video on youtube stating their demands (See below). Then this group began to take down Sony website including the Sony main website with DOS (Denial Of Service) attacks. They call this Anti-Sony operation the "Operation Payback".

Sony has demanded popular social media networks such as Youtube and Facebook, to hand over the IP addresses of people who has viewd GeoHot's videos.

Their argument was that you should be able to do what ever you want with the product you bought with your own money. More future, they ask, if its legal to jail break your phones and install unsigned software applications, why not jail break PS3?

In the last video they ask the public to return Sony products if you have bought any and support by join their force, by organising protests against Sony. Anonymous claims

"GeoHot has taken a settlement with sony. The case has been dropped. In the eyes of the law, the case is closed, for anonymous it is just beginning."

Is this just a start of a massive catastrophic cyber war? would it cause many other war's to start?

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Problem With psexec (Solution)

I do my pentests on a Windows XP sp3 box and I had this problem, that I could not get psexec to work as I kept getting this error message.

[*] Started reverse handler on :4444
[*] Connecting to the server...
[*] Authenticating to :445|WORKGRO[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Connecting to the server...
[*] Authenticating to :445|WORKGROUP as user ''...

[-] FAILED! The remote host has only provided us with Guest privileges. Please make sure that the correct username and password have been provided. Windows XP systems that are not part of a domain will only provide Guest privileges to network logins by default.

[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.UP as user ''...

[-] FAILED! The remote host has only provided us with Guest privileges. Please make sure that the correct username and password have been provided. Windows XP systems that are not part of a domain will only provide Guest privileges to network logins by default.

[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.

That was because if your Windows XP Professional based computer is not in a domain, by default all users trying to log in to it over the network, are forced to use the Gust Account. To find out more information go to

So the solution is to

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
And change the ForceGuest value to 0


Tuesday 12 April 2011

Text Encryption Application

Under the Computer Security module we did one last assignment at the end of the term, the assignment was to implement the substitute cypher and demonstrate how it can be broken by using Frequency Analysis. So I have written a code to encrypt some text using a key, which the user inputs to the application (Which the application assumes that the key is unique), and to Break the encryption using frequency analysis, using Java. It was required to leave the spaces and non alphabetic characters, and maintain the cases in the cipher text (which makes the cypher text weaker).

I have added another extra feature for the cipher breaking code called The "Advanced Frequency Analysis". Which means that, In frequency analysis it just analyses the frequencies of single characters. But if you turn on this feature if will analyse two and three character combinations as well as single characters, which makes the code breaker more strong.

You will probably wonder that why would I want to add extra code to make the encryption weak. As an example this program passes spaces, non alphabetical characters through to the cipher text. It is because that they are requirements of the assignments so students can write about it on the report and give explanations about how to make it more stronger.

Find the screen shots and examples of the program below.


Plain Text:

Data centres use vast amounts of electricity to run their computer equipment and also to keep it cool.

Environmental group Greenpeace has estimated that their total global energy use will have reached 2 trillion kw/h by 2020.



Cipher Text:

Hjtj koetfor gro bjrt jwdgetr dl osoktfakaty td fge tqoaf kdwcgtof ovgacwoet jei jsrd td xooc at kdds.

Yebafdewoetjs pfdgc Jfooecojko qjr ortawjtoi tqjt tqoaf tdtjs psdmjs oeofpy gro nass qjbo fojkqoi 2 tfassade xn/q my 2020.


Advanced Frequency Analysis = off

Decrypted plain text:

Kata lestier dre wart amodstr oq eheltinlntg to ids tueni lomc1dtei ezdnc1mest asf ahro to veec1 nt looh. Jswniosmestah yiodc1 Xieesc1eale uar ertnmatef tuat tueni totah yhopah eseiyg dre bnhh uawe iealuef 2 tinhhnos vb/u pg 2020.

Advanced Frequency Analysis = on

Decrypted plain text:

Kata lestier the wart amodstr in eheltinlntg of for tueni lomc1dtei ezdnc1mest and ahro of veec1 to looh. Jswniosmestah yiodc1 Xieesc1eale his ertnmatef tuat tueni totah yhopah eseiyg the bnhh uawe iealuef 2 tinhhnos vb/u it 2020.

My Example is just a simple demonstration. As you can see its hard to analyse and decrypt just by using an application/ Algorithm, without having any human help. But This algorithm works better as the plain text gets larger, as it gets more data to analyse so the accuracy of the analysis gets better.

Monday 11 April 2011

My Tetris

'Tetris' is one of the most popular games of all time. For the last project of Application Programming module at the university, I got to develop this small Tetris game applet. As you can see its very basic and simple as I added more than requirements of the assignment, to the application itself. It would have had more functionalities but I moved on from it to the next assignment so I can finish my assignments and get it everything done way before the deadline. I will add more features to it if I get much time in the future, even though I tried ones and then I got busy with something else and then moved on.

To control the blocks You can use either keyboard or mouse or both.


Mouse Controls:

Right-Mouse Button- Move right
Left-Mouse Button - Move Left

Key Board Controls:

Right Arrow key- Move Right
Left Arrow key - Move Left
'R' key - Rotate

If I develop it more further I will definitely post it on here. Like I have said it earlier its a very simple version of Tetris. But it plays according do all Tetris rules.